Day 13, Sunday, finally moving to the camper

Our mobil-home for the next weeks

Our mobil-home for the next weeks

Iris started the day with loooooong jogging as this was her last change on the beach, we were moving out from Rickards room to our camper today.  We than drove to IKEA in LA which looks just like IKEA anywhere in Sweden, well one thing is different  the escalators is outdoors. We shopped as if we just had moved away from our parents home ;)  Iris is responsible for the actual living area on the motor home we have built together so therefore, it is she who decorates the home with everything we bought at IKEA.

Well almoste like the boat

Well almoste like the boat

We picked up lunch across the street from the workshop and If you like fries with Chili Casserole you should try La Perla.  We loaded the house on the car and drove it into the workshop for the night as the neighborhood is not very safe but then the engine stopped. Dan and Richard scratched their heads but were not much wiser. We decide to tow the whole combination into the workshop.  Rickard left us, glad to finally get his own bed back and we moved into the camper.  Dan worked for few hours to trying to find the error but ended up thinking about fuel hoses and valves throughout the night.

Dagen började med att vi åker till IKEA i LA vilket ser ut som vilket IKEA som helst i SE. Jo en skillnad är det. Rulltrapporna går utomhus. Lunchen hämtar vi tvärs över gatan från verkstaden. Tycker man om pommes med Chilligryta på så ska man äta där

 fries with Chili Casserole 

 fries with Chili Casserole 

Iris har ansvaret för själva bo-delen på den husbil vi nu har byggt ihop. Därför blir det hon som pyntar hemmet med allt som vi köpt på IKEA. När vi lastar huset på bilen stannar motorn. Dan och Rickard kliar sig i huvudet men blir inte så mycket klokare. Vi bestämmer oss för att bogsera in hela ekipaget. Rickard lämnar oss sen och vi stannar i verkstaden och jobbar någon timme till med att försöka hitta felet. Dan funderar på bränsleslangar och ventiler hela natten.