Day 17, The first day of 2015 :)

House or a boat! Santa Barbara Marina

House or a boat! Santa Barbara Marina

We sleep a little longer today (half seven) after all the partying. Dan leaves Iris in the camper with her headache and goes for a long walk on the beach and checks the harbor a bit. Back in the camper, he understands that Iris is still suffers from a hard partying. He goes an even longer walk and one hour later Iris has moved to the car and the journey continues towards the lake Cachuma. We drive in to a camping and get permission to check the area for fifteen minutes with out of charge. We fill the tank with fresh water and find the camping to much organized so we continue for another five minutes and then find and nice view for lunch stop that’s free.  Iris cooks a tomato soup spiced with fiery hot dogs and chili and it gets Iris back on track.

This is for you -Siggi

This is for you -Siggi

Some travel with less horse power

Some travel with less horse power

 If you bother to read some more here is some info about our vehicle. The car is a Ford F250 from 1986. It has a V8 diesel equipped with a turbocharger which should be around a little more than two hundred horsepower. Behind it sits a three-speed automatic transmission. There are two fuel tanks, one in twelve gallons and one of nineteen. The car is well maintained for its age and someone has costed a new fabric on of the sofas fairly recently. We drive with the rear couch folded down to get plenty of room for tools, oils and drinking water. The camper is a Lance 815 from 2005 and is also very well managed. It is equipped with a fairly large fridge with a small freezer LPG, 12 volts or 120 volts and a heater powered by gas that heats up the camper very fast but it´s rather noisy especially when you are sleeping. There are two holding tanks, one 11 gallons for gray water at and one 10 gallons for black water. The fresh water tank is probably about 20 gallons. Our bed is a queen size, measuring 155x200 centimeters. There is a small couch corner in the living room that can be tucked into a bed for one or maybe two small as we are. Well we have a water heater as well and that´s good as then it is much more pleasant to take a shower.Which you can do either inside the bathroom, or outside if it´s warm enough. Previously there was a TV but the exchanged it against a strap to Rickard. He was not entirely happy with the change even though it is a flat-screen TV. If you haven´t  any questions, that’s all for today.

Well Siggi is that you!

Well Siggi is that you!

Sover lite längre idag (halv sju) efter allt festandet. Dan lämnar Iris i campern med sin huvudvärk. Han går en lång promenad på stranden och kollar lite i hamnen. Tillbaka i campern förstår han att Iris fortfarande lider av sviterna av ett hårt festande. Han går en ännu längre promenad och när han någon timme senare är tillbaka kan Iris förflyttas till bilen och resan fortsätter mot lake Cumache eller nått liknande. Vi rullar in på en camping och får tillstånd att vistas där femton minuter fritt. Vi fyller lite färskvatten och så rullar vi fem minuter till och stannar gratis och med en mycket fina vy. Tomatsoppa kryddad med eldig korv och chilli får Iris på banan igen.